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Non-Silver Prints 1993-1996 Like many photographers transitioning from analog to digital photography at the end of the 20th century, I recognized the similarities between early digital photography and the dawn of photography in the early 19th century. Adapting 19th century photographic processes in my digital work acknowledged this coincidence; the confluence of 19th and 21st century technologies. The computer’s ability to repeat decorative elements effortlessly worked into these images, self portraits with my very young daughter. The pictures were largely influenced by 16th through 19th century European decorative arts. For these images, I shot film, made analog prints which were then scanned into the computer where I made composite images in Photoshop. The digital composites were taken to a local commercial printer who made b/w film negatives. Because non-silver prints are made in contact with the original, these film negatives were necessarily the same size size as the prints, ranging from 8x11 to 20x24. I used primarily gum dichromate and Van Dyke processes with some further hand coloring with water color paint.

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